Monday, May 25, 2009

This is a snek peek into a Soucrate Summer!!!!!!

stay tuneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's all sunny days........

People that have known me for a while know my love for Soulcrate Music's song "Novocaine Rain".
Yet not many people know the back story of why that is.

Well.........the date was November 4th, 2008. Election day. This was the same day that Soulcrate released "Carboard Cut-Outs Vol.1". I had already pre-ordered a physical copy but was really fiending to listen to album so I saw that Amazon had it for sale and I decided to download it right there and then.

Now being that it was election day I was up and about and anxious to go out and make a difference by voting. I went to my polling place with iPod in hand and Soulcrate bumping in my headphones. I was rocking out to this amazing album while waiting in a pretty long line. The day was gloomy and it was slightly sprinkling. Around that time "Novocaine Rain" starts playing. That organ starts kicking in and I had to turn it up. Then the lyrics kick in and I start nodding my head in agreement. Rain coming down this whole time. As the chorus kicks in "........and I can't feel.....feel the rain, it's all sunny days......." IT LITERALLY STARTED TO STOP RAINING AND THE SUN CAME OUT!!!!!!!!~
At that moment I knew this song was something that was going to move me in ways not many others had.

This is one of those moments that you tell people about and they either don't believe you or completely agree with your sentiment.

Every time I hear that song (which is at least once a day) I always smile and remember that moment. I also remember being in line for about and hour and half waiting to vote. I also remember that I was part of history.

I've been lucky enough to meet the Soulcrate guys and was even able to tell them how much I love this song and what it means to me. And they being the stand up quality guys they are, they played the song (which is not one they usually do live) when they were here last in March. And to top it off they brought me up on stage to sing along with them. I'll probably talk more about that experience later.

Either way when I need something to pick me up I remember that "it's all sunny days and I cant feel the rain.............."